On September 18, AGC, along with industry partners on the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC), submitted comments in response to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) notice of proposed rulemaking to require employers to provide employees with “proper-fitting” Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This move would align the construction, general industry, and maritime standards related to PPE, but raises significant concerns due to the ambiguity of the proposed language and lack of clarity surrounding compliance obligations and enforcement.
While CISC agrees that PPE is an essential element of an effective health and safety program, the CISC urged OSHA to clarify the term “proper fit”, expand the scope of recognized “additional hazards” caused by ill-fitting PPE to reflect the variety of PPE used in construction, and explain how the administration will enforce this regulation and evaluate for “improper fit.”
Addressing these concerns would help the regulated community better understand their compliance obligations, provide a consistent framework for enforcement, and lead to better safety and health outcomes. AGC will continue to monitor and respond to this rulemaking.
For more information, contact Kevin Cannon at kevin.cannon@agc.org or Nazia Shah at nazia.shah@agc.org.