
Construction Leadership Council of Middle Tennessee Helps “Light Up the House” for the Holiday Season

2020 was a rough year for networking events. After the CLC of Middle Tennessee’s “Ugly Christmas Mask” holiday event was cancelled due to city health regulations, they thought they were done for the year. But then the call came from the Ronald McDonald House of Nashville.

The staff at the Ronald McDonald House of Nashville wanted to “Light up the House” for the holiday season. These families were under an extremely strict quarantine with their children in local hospitals. The staff wanted to bring some extra holiday cheer to their hearts. They immediately called the Construction Leadership Council and asked if volunteers would come out and decorate the main entrance of the House with family friendly holiday décor. CLC happily partnered with them, Lumenate, and the local News Channel 2 to help raise money and decorate the House.

November 30th wound up being a cold and snowy day in Nashville, but CLC members bundled up and headed to the House to decorate. With the freezing temperature inspiring quick teamwork, the group completed their tasks in about 45 minutes.

Overall, the “Light Up the House” event raised over $89,000 for the Ronald McDonald House of Nashville, during a year which left them 40% behind budget before this fundraiser, and AGC/CLC was featured as a sponsoring organization and interviewed by the local news anchor.

“Our AGC contractors know that even after a building is built, it takes love and community to really complete the project. That is why we are out here today. To add a little extra holiday cheer to the house that love built.” – Kaylah White, AGC Middle TN Executive Director, during interview with News Channel 2 

The Construction Leadership Council of Middle Tennessee is looking forward to another outdoor volunteer day in 2021 and will raise money for the Ronald McDonald House again in 2021 at their annual BBQ in Red Shoes event. This year they raised $5,000 for the House with a “BBQ-in-Place” event to make sure everyone was safely distant from one another.

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