
AGC Successful in Advancing Clean Water Trust Fund and Other Water Infrastructure Provisions in Senate WRDA Bill

AGC and its industry coalition partners in the Water Infrastructure Network havebeen working for a number of months to get significant water infrastructure provisions included in the 2016 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) in the Senate. We were successful in getting many important provisions approved by the Committee. The bill creates a longtime AGC priority, a Clean Water Trust Fund, and, while this bill itself does not carry additional funding, it authorizes voluntary contributions to the trust fund. Creation of a trust fund dedicated to water infrastructure opens many new possibilities for future dedicated revenue prospects.

Other provisions of note include State Revolving Fund and Water Infrastructure Financing and Innovation Act funding for cities with declared lead in water emergencies (like Flint, Mich.), reauthorizing sewer overflow control grants, new funding for technical assistance to small treatment plants, Safe Drinking Water Act compliance assistance for small disadvantaged communities, reauthorizing funding for desalination, and assistance for low-income residents when replacing lead service lines to homes. This builds on the success we had in getting water infrastructure provisions inserted in the Conference process in the last WRDA billin 2014. AGC will continue to advocate for this legislation as it advances to the Senate floor.

For more information, contact Scott Berry at or (703) 837-5321

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