
EPA Issues Second Buy America Waiver for ARRA Projects

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a di minimus waiver from Buy America requirements contained in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  This is the second Buy America issued by EPA; the first national waiver applied to projects under contract before President Obama signed the ARRA.  This nationwide waiver can be applied to materials or components which constitute five percent or less of the total cost of materials incorporated into  a water infrastructure project funded by EPA's Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan ( SRF) programs funded by the ARRA.  AGC's efforts were critical in educating the EPA about the complexity and components of typical water infrastructure projects, such as treatment plants or pipe replacement and rehabilitation projects.  This waiver was deemed to be in the public interest  by the EPA in order to ensure ARRA-funded projects proceed within the timelines established in the legislation to provide jobs and infrastructure investments. AGC applauds EPA's action to avoid project delays and unnecessary liability for AGC members. To view a copy of the 6-page EPA document click here.