Need help to access

If you have an account with

Follow these instructions to request a new password:

  1. Visit the AGC home page at
  2. In the upper left-hand corner of the home page, click “Login”
  3. Enter your work email address and click “Forgot password”
  4. Check your email for a link to reset your password. Please remember to check your "Spam" or "Junk Mail" folders too.

If you do not have an account with

  1. Visit the AGC home page at
  2. In the upper left hand corner of the home page, click “Register”
  3. Enter your information. Make sure you select your company from the list (your company must be a member of an AGC chapter to be in the list)
  4. Press "Save" at the bottom of the screen
  5. AGC staff will process your request and activate your account