Integrated Project Delivery

Integrated Project Delivery For Public and Private Owners defines IPD in the following two ways:

  • IPD as a Delivery Method is a delivery methodology that fully integrates project teams in order to take advantage of the knowledge of all team members to maximize the project outcome. Integrated Project Delivery is the highest form of collaboration because all three parties (Owner, Architect, Constructor) are aligned by a single contract.
  • IPD as a Philosophy occurs when integrated practices or philosophies are applied to more traditional delivery approaches such as CM at-Risk, Design-Build or Design-Bid-Build (where the owner is not party to a multi-party contract). In addition to not having a multi-party contract, IPD as a Philosophy is characterized by "traditional" transactional CM at-Risk or Design-Build contracts, some limited risk-sharing (e.g. savings splits), and some application of IPD principles.
