STP Unit 3 - Problem Solving and Decision Making

STP Unit 3

Problem Solving and Decision Making

AGC's Supervisory Training Program (STP) is a construction-specific training curriculum developed, updated, and field-tested by and for contractors. Each day, decisions made in the field are crucial to the success or failure of every construction project. Individuals attending STP courses include anyone on a construction jobsite in a supervisory role - from the new supervisor or foreman to the experienced superintendent who is looking to become a more effective manager of people, time, equipment and materials. This course teaches supervisors how to identify problems and their causes, and learn techniques for solving them. Participants also learn the important - and costly - differences between reactive and proactive decision-making. The last session focuses on handling risks, emergencies, and crisis situations.

Sponsor: AGC Georgia
Type: Inseat
Location: 1940 The Exchange, Training Center
City: Atlanta
Instructor Bio:
Contact: Cindy Parham
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