“AGC of America is the voice of the construction industry and the association of choice for nearly 10,000 specialty contractor firms. The Specialty Contractors Council (SCC) serves as the advocate for specialty contractors from all occupational sectors of the industry and from all regions throughout country. The Council works with general contractor members to find solutions to issues that affect the entire construction community. The Council encourages all members of the association to become more active in their local AGC Chapter and with AGC of America.”
Rick Pate
Chair, AGC of America Specialty Contractors Council
About the SCC
AGC of America is composed of nearly 30,000 member firms; including nearly 10,000 specialty contractor firms. All AGC specialty contractor members serve as members of the Specialty Contractors Council. The Council provides AGC specialty contractor members a voice in the Association.
The Council was created in 1997 to better serve the needs of the Association's growing ranks of specialty contractor members. The SCC chair serves on the AGC Board of Directors and both the chair and vice chair serve on the AGC Board of Governors - all strengthening the impact that specialty contractors have in AGC. A list of the SCC Steering Committee members can be found here.
As shown in the SCC 2013-2015 Strategic Plan, the SCC seeks to promote best practices and fairness throughout the construction industry through collaboration within AGC, enhanced communication, and industry influence