View AGC Chief Economist Ken Simonson's presentation on the outlook for construction activity, materials and labor.
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Latest News
Construction firms added jobs in 39 states and the District of Columbia over the past 12 months and in 29 states and D.C. between March and April according to an analysis today by AGC of Labor Department data. Association officials welcomed the mostly positive figures but cautioned that the industry's recovery remained fragile, with construction employment levels below prior peaks in every state except North Dakota.
Construction employment expanded in 220 metro areas, declined in 70 and was stagnant in 49 between April 2013 and April 2014, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by AGC. Association officials noted that federal spending cutbacks on government facilities and Hurricane Sandy reconstruction were contributing to job losses around Washington, D.C. and New Jersey.
Construction firms added jobs in 39 states and the District of Columbia over the past 12 months and in 29 states and D.C. between March and April according to an analysis today by AGC of Labor Department data. Association officials welcomed the mostly positive figures but cautioned that the industry's recovery remained fragile, with construction employment levels below prior peaks in every state except North Dakota.
Construction employers added 6,000 workers to payrolls in May as the industry's unemployment rate dropped to 8.6 percent, its lowest May level in six years, according to an analysis of new government data by AGC. However, association officials cautioned that gains remain spotty and that thousands of highway construction jobs are at risk because of a pending halt in federal transportation funding later this summer.
Total construction spending rose modestly for the third straight month in April as a mix of increases and declines in public and private categories showed the sector's recovery remains fragile and fragmented, according to an analysis of new Census Bureau data by AGC. Association officials said the industry could benefit from new federal investments in infrastructure to offset declining public sector demand.
AGC's Chief Economist
Kenneth D. Simonson has been Chief Economist for the Associated General Contractors of America, the leading national construction trade association, since 2001. He provides insight into the economy and what it implies for construction and related industries through frequent media interviews, presentations and The Data DIGest, his weekly one-page e-newsletter.
Contact Us
Media Relations
Brian Turmail
Senior Excutive Director,
Public Affairs
Phone: (703) 837-5313
Fax: (703) 837-5407
Ken Simonson
Chief Economist
Phone: (703) 837-5313
Fax: (703) 837-5407